Favorable conditions for leasing

Service maintenance
Service through dealers 24/7

12 months warranty
Service 24/7

Professional approach in the selection of suitable equipment
Цельносварная конструкция, ширина захвата 5м, 11 рабочих органов, резиновые опорные колеса, дышло, оснащенный гидравлическим оборудованием
We cooperate with companies from the Russian Federation and the CIS
More than 100 companies have already received these products from us

Tekhnika-Agro company takes part in state tender purchases
Perhaps you still have questions
Give us a call or ask a question, and we will help you find what you are looking for.
8552 20-20-71
- Information on the technical characteristics of goods indicated on the site can be changed by the manufacturer unilaterally.
- Images of goods in the photographs presented in the catalog on the site may differ slightly from the originals.
- Information on the price of a product indicated in the catalog on the website may differ from the actual one at the time of placing an order for the relevant product.
*Prices are indicated taking into account discounts under a price program from the manufacturer. The prices listed are for informational purposes and are not an offer. The quantity of goods is limited. Please check with the sales department for more details +7 (8552) 20-20-71